$RCADE is an ARC-20 token with a 500,000,000 cap and Arcade Galaxyโ€™s governance token and staking token used for Arcade Galaxy in-game assets, tournaments, equipment, and map builder items. Stake $RCADCE for rewards and in-game perks.

Estimated TGE : End of April 2024 or Early May 2024

Acquired channels

  • Arcade Market Place

  • In-App Purchase

  • Airdrop through planet map holders, in game participation, and staking.

  • Play Arcade Galaxy mobile version, earn in stages on the Crown Road and during seasons.

  • Earn by building maps and be rewarded based on the number of players.

  • Owners of planet NFTs can exchange Gold Coins for $RCADE at a preferential rate.

  • Obtain in tournaments.

  • Achieve the highest score in time play mode


  • Tournaments are expected to be a game mode using officially certified maps. Participants must pay with $RCADE to enter, and prizes will be distributed at the following ratio: first place 50%, second place 25%, third place 15%, map creators (if applicable) 5%, official 5%. Verification of $RCADE usage needs to be addressed.

  • $RCADE holders would be able to vote on Planet ownersโ€™ reward allocation and AGโ€™s general direction.

  • $RCADE special Cubs Skins, Equipment's, and Map Editor Items.

  • Leveling up


  • Staking $RCADE would increase one's chance of winning cubs, equipment, and cosmetic in game items.

  • Staking $RCADE would receive tickets for participating tournaments.

All $RCADE is subject to a 5% $RCADE ecosystem Tax to help to maintain the ecosystem. (Tax rate is subject to change and governed by the governing DAO)

All $RCADE would have a 30-days vesting period before they can be traded in the secondary market, a withdrawal fee would also be applied if they choose to sell. There are no limits with in-game purchases and staking.

All details are subject to change

Last updated